Sunday, July 6, 2014

Continuation of last post (plen aire in New Mexico)

My technique changed significantly when I used a palette knife with a quick stroke on aquaboard.

I must confess--I have not been a faithful blogger. Life has gotten in the way, but my art attempts continue, at a snail's pace sometimes. In May of 2013 I attended a plen aire workshop with Jakki Kouffman, whose colorful landscapes I greatly admire. (Google her website if you like bright colors)
I spent a week painting outside in various landscapes around Taos, New Mexico, while my wonderful husband held down the fort at home.

 I'm attaching  some of my attempts. Remember, my love is not realism, but color, texture and shapes.

My first attempts focused on abstracting the landscape into bold colors and shapes. Later I added texture.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

If I Were a Building

I didn't do much painting this past year from August to April because of other responsibilities, but I did complete the below acrylic, which I hope is the beginning of a series: "If I were a . . ."

Finally--my favorite oil paintings

This painting was constructed from the left over paint on my palette at the end of each class.

I Call it "Fantasy Mountain."


This one happened very quickly via palette knife.

I used a sponge to create "Longhorn Autumn."

Monday, July 9, 2012

This is my first oil painting--painted around 10 years ago--of a photograph I'd taken in Monet's garden.
I hadn't tried oils again until this summer. Now I'm taking an oil painting class and loving every minute of it!
As soon as I paint something I'm really pleased with, I'll post it.  Expect lots of texture!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

This painting is my interpretation of an old photo owned by my stepfather.  It is a scene in the woods of France during WWII.  The painting is acrylic on canvas panel.  I plan to try other interpretations--there is a mystery in this old photo that begs to be interpreted.
Perhaps if you zoom in you can see the extra texture applied to the trees.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Rose by any other name

I love the simplicity of this photo.  The stark background highlights the intricate layers of petals.  I've taken hundreds of photographs of flowers, and still take photo shots every time I'm given a new bouquet.  I can't help it--I'm addicted to beauty.